Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Writers Should Consider Ghost Blogging

What is a ghost blogger? Well, it’s exactly like it sounds: a ghost writer for a blog. Ghost bloggers are very popular with large corproations. Marketing departments of these corporations recognize the great potential presented by maintaining a quality blog. They are great platforms for interacting with potential customers and clients, and they can increase both traffic to the corporation’s website and search engine rankings. Typically, a company’s blogger writes about relevant current events and subtly advertises the company’s products and/or services. Shouldn’t employees of these corporations be the ones writing for the blog? Typically, upper-management, mid-management, and/or lower employees will initially write the blog. After a while, however, management discovers that it’s too time consuming, they run out of ideas, and the passion for the blog dries up. New blog posts become few and far between, and readers are lost along the way. Often, the marketing department decides to revitalize it and develops a new strategy: hiring a ghost blogger.

Ghost Blogging Pay
Corporate blogs usually pay well. The income is typically better than what bloggers make from their own blogs. Some corporate ghost bloggers receive bonuses based on the amount of traffic they bring to the website.

Acquiring Corporate Blog Jobs
Don’t wait for companies to post a ghost blogging opportunity or somehow discover your fabulous website. Be assertive and send enticing letters of inquiry via email. Here are some helpful tips to make your letter of inquiry jump out:
  • Research the website and send an intriguing email to the appropriate person. Look for the email address of someone in the marketing department. Personalize the email by using the name of the department head or at least a staff member.
  • Make them want to open your email. Write something catchy in the subject line.
  • Grab the readers’ attention, beginning with the first sentence. Stand out from the crowd.
  • Show some personality in the letter of inquiry.
  • After thoroughly reviewing the company’s products and blog, write a couple of well-written, informative free blog posts. Include industry relevant keywords. Paste them into the email because some corporations have policies against opening attachments from unknown sources. Also, include a link to your own fabulous blog.
  • If the corporate blog has dried up, offer a short list of relevant blogging topics.
  • Demonstrate you’ve done your homework. Provide some specifics about the company and the industry.
  • Why should they should hire you? Clearly demonstrate you have something of value to offer. Examples: Your SEO expertise will increase traffic to the blog or you have the ability to manage the entire blog, including adding videos and podcasts.
After you obtain a ghost blogging job, don’t be satisfied. Now that you know what you’re doing, look for more ghost blogging opportunities!

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